July 24, 2005

More assignments

Hey, it’s that time of the week again. This week’s assignment had two parts. For the first, we were supposed to have a ball start from a resting position and move through an obstacle course. Finally we were allowed to use squash and stretch, and anticipation was required for getting the ball started. Once again, everything was planned on paper first. Please let me know what you think.

Planning for obstacle course

Ball Bouncing Through Obstacle Course

The second part of the assignment was to sketch, and then create in 3D a devastated pose. I tried for an extremely closed pose, like someone having trouble dealing with the outside world. The problem with this is that it really makes the silhouette hard to read. I would definitely welcome any commentary on how to improve it.

Devastated pose

Thats it for this week. Hopefully more demo clips will be coming soon.

Demo Reel Clip Nearing Completion

I’m getting a Siggraph Reel together, and I want this clip on it. The clip started as a run cycle and just grew from there. I’ve been working on and off on it for a couple weeks now, and it’s about ready for some critique.

Runnin’ and Jumpin’

Please look at it and tell me what you think can be improved. You don’t have to be an animator to comment (most everyone can tell if something looks bad).